I love scotch, scotchy scotch scotch…eggs

Before going to bed last night to read the last book of Fifty Shades (yes, yes, I know… I’m one of them.), I was reading through Well Fed and got inspired to try out some new protein recipes.  After a peaceful 8.5 hours of sleep, a yummy breakfast of eggs, beets, and avocado, I had some work to get done.

Instead of starting on my PowerPoint for this Friday and writing my weekly report, I decided to do what I do best.  Procrastinate.  And cook some Paleo goodness.  Reading a cookbook and aimlessly scrolling through Pinterest puts my mind in gear to try some new things or throw in the towel and search for ingredients for the most decadent peanut butter cake that was repinned 52,455 times.  My cavewoman side always wins and my calling was for some Scotch Eggs.

I found this recipe on Melissa Joulwan’s website, but it’s also in her (awesome) cookbook, Well Fed.  These things are protein-packed balls of power that I will be enjoying the rest of the week.  And no, I’m not talking about my boyfriend. 😉

Scotch Eggs:

  • 1 pound (super clean) pork sausage + 1 pound beef
  • 8 hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 tbsp. cumin (for beef only)
  • 1 tbsp. chili powder (for beef only)
  • love

-Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Since I had 8 hard-boiled eggs and 1 pound of beef and 1 pound of pork, I decided to make 4 eggs with each meat.  After mixing the seasonings with the beef (the pork was pre-seasoned), pinch off about 2 ounces of meat.  Roll out until flat, place egg in the middle, and roll the meat around until it is entirely enclosed.  Place in the oven on a foiled-cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes.  I turned the broiler on for the last couple of minutes to get the meat a little more crunchy!

YES! That’s CLEAN pork sausage – NO nitrates, MSG, sugar, or any other dirty sh*t. Just pork and spices. And it tastes like heaven. Thank you local organic stores!!!

Left: Prior to going in the oven and being baked to perfection
Right: The finished product!








I will be making these again.  They have found a place in my heart!

As for today’s WOD… probably a rest day.  I’m missing out on one of my favorite girls, Grace, but I’m trying to listen to my body and take a day to recover since my entire posterior chain feels stupid sore and in need of mobility!  I plan on spending quality time with my foam roller and lacrosse ball!

3 thoughts on “I love scotch, scotchy scotch scotch…eggs

  1. Haha. Protein packed power balls. Did u make the peanut butter cake? I’m dying to know. Awesome read! Now get on the PowerPoint. 😉

  2. Haha No I didn’t make it… I repin everything I drool over for Christmas and Thanksgiving cheat days. There’s going to be some good holiday foods now that Pinterest takes up my time!

  3. Pingback: I’m now a Wascally Wabbit… « Live.Laugh.WOD

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